Saturday, May 6, 2017

How to subtract geometries in AutoCAD

Here is a quick tutorial on how to subtract geometries in 3D in AutoCAD.

We have had great time learning how to extrude and use the REGION command with AutoCAD in this post and this post.

Today we are going to learn how to subtract a geometry.

If you had time to check the post I linked up to above, you would notice that the piece at the center of the figure was a cylinder.

The whole 3D object was a combination of the bigger object and the cylinder.

Here is how to use that cylinder to make a cut at the center of the drawing.

The command we are going to use is called SUBTRACT.

To use this command

  1. Type SUBTRACT and press ENTER
  2. Select the bigger object and press ENTER
  3. Select the object to be subtracted and press ENTER
Using these steps, Here is what I have been able to come up with.

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