Saturday, May 6, 2017

How to delete an element in AutoCAD

When you open AutoCAD for the first time and attempt to figure it out without watching any tutorial, it can be overwhelming.

How do you delete element in AutoCAD?

There is actually  two way of deleting element in AutoCAD as far as I can tell.

You can use the DELETE button to delete an element.

Here is where to find the delete button

To delete, you need to select the object you want to delete and click on the icon shown on the image above.

Alternatively, you can select the object to delete and PRESS the DEL button on your keyboard.

Hope you have learnt how to delete in AutoCAD with this quick tips.

Check my AutoCAD tips here.

Modeling a football in AutoCAD

I have long tried to model a football in AutoCAD without much of a success before stumbling across this video. It did it for me!

I will invite you to go through this AutoCAD tutorial if you happen to want to learn how to model a ball in AutoCAD.

A brilliant piece indeed!

modeling 3D rotor Blades in AutoCAD

Here is how to model 3D rotor blade in AutoCAD on the fly!

Something I would not have thought to be this easy if I had not watched this video


Want to check more AutoCAD tutorials

Spring in AutoCAD

Here is a good AutoCAD tutorial that will help you learn how to create a spring in AutoCAD.

These can be very difficult item to create in CAD. Hope this does it for you!

How to use the MIRROR command in AutoCAD

The MIRROR command is that command that helps you create a symmetrical objects in AutoCAD.

If you want to create an image like the following, you will need to make use of the MIRROR command.

We will assume that you already create half of your object.

Here is how you use the MIRROR command.

First thing first, you want to have that center line in place before attempting to use the MIRRO command.

To use the MIRROR command

Select the image to mirror and click on the MIRROR command

Select the two ends of the center line and press ENTER

And there you have it!

Hope you liked this tutorial. You can check my other AutoCAD online tutorial here.

Lamp modeling

Here is another great AutoCAD tutorial by the guys at the sourceCAD

It shows how to model a bulb using AutoCAD. Yes, you can also use AutoCAD to model such an object.

Modeling with AutoCAD

Here is a nice tutorial from the sourceCAD.

If you have ever asked yourself how to model a ball bearing in AutoCAD, you would like this video. It shows how to go from zero to having a beautifully model 3D object in AutoCAD.

Here are some more tutorial.