Saturday, February 18, 2017

Does blog commenting work for SEO?

There are two main SEO benefits to blog comments – one direct, one indirect.
Blog commenting can be seen as both a quantity-based and a quality-based method of link building (or even both at the same time), depending on what approach you take.
Let’s quickly define what we’re talking about when we talk about blog commenting for SEO:
  • Commenting on different dofollow blogs
  • Adding a backlink to your website to the comment, either in the body of the comment or just to the Website URL section of the comment form

direct blog comment seo benefit

The effectiveness of blog commenting for SEO in terms of direct benefit is debatable. Some people say it’s useless, some people claim it works. My own view on blog commenting for direct SEO benefit is based on personal experiences and the experiences of others. I’m certainly not claiming that blog commenting is the best, most valuable link building method out there. I do believe, however, that blog commenting is a quantity-based link building method that can be useful to build a strong link profile.
In terms of direct SEO benefit, blog comments aren’t really worth much. However, “not worth much” is a far cry from “not worth anything”. When delivered in high quantities, blog comments can help to strengthen your link profile. But like anything else, a link profile based exclusively on blog comments alone won’t really be sufficient. A variety of links is required and blog commenting can be one of the various link building tactics that you use.
Some people say that blog comments have been so abused that search engines don’t really give them any weight anymore. This is true to an extent, but first hand experience and accounts of others still show that blog commenting can have a positive impact on search engine rankings.

indirect blog comment seo benefit

The indirect SEO benefit of blog commenting comes from forming relationships with other bloggers and catching the attentions of authors, who may then link to your website from their blog posts. A link in the comment may not be worth much, but a link in the post itself, especially in the post of a blog with a strong link profile of its own, can provide considerable value.

keep your seo blog comments relevant

  1. No spam. Those spammy comments that we all get made up of gibberish or nonsensical auto-generated text with links embedded inside? Don’t do that. Not only do these kinds of things obviously never get mentioned in the blog posts, completely eliminating the indirect SEO benefit outlined above, but they are also likely to land you on a spammer blacklist, which can then flag your comments on other blogs as spam as well and reject them automatically.
  2. Well thought out. You might not think writing “Great post, thanks!” is considered spam, but it is. The comment should be well thought out and relevant to the blog post you’re commenting on. Put thought into a comment. Good blog commenting is not a two-second job.
  3. Keep links to a minimum. Unless you have a particular page on your site that is extremely relevant to what the post is talking about, avoid links in the body of your comment and restrict your linking to the website URL field in the comment form instead. With so much spam floating around, bloggers are often hesitant about allowing links in the body of comments unless the link is obviously very relevant.
At the end of the day, there is no good reason not to comment on other blogs for either the direct or indirect SEO benefit you can get (or both).

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